Cranial Prosthesis – What You Need to Know

Magic Medical is the clear leader in cranial prosthesis, or hair loss solutions, with the latest methods and highest quality available. Over the years, cranial prosthesis have evolved significantly, resulting in increasingly realistic, natural looking hair replacements and greater comfort for the wearer.

We have been leaders in hair loss solutions for over a decade, with simple wigs and hairpieces offering a visible solution for those who have experienced hair loss due to medical conditions or medications. While these solutions were effective, the appearance of the finished product was often artificial, leaving the wearer with a lack of confidence.

Today's technological advances in the area of prosthesis have improved how well they work, as well as how they look when completed. At Magic Medical, we use the latest methods available to create realistic, natural-looking hair replacements. The installation methods are some of the best in the industry and they use only the highest quality human hair.

In addition to the advances in the physical aspects of cranial prosthesis, the psychological needs of the person suffering from hair loss have changed over time. Magic Medical understands the psychological implications of hair loss and their team of professionals is highly trained not just in the physical installation of the prosthesis, but even in providing counseling and emotional support for the person wearing it.

At Magic Medical, we have stayed ahead of industry trends, always striving to create the most natural looking and comfortable prosthesis for your clients. If you or someone you know is looking for a medical hair loss solution, Magic Medical is the clear choice for superior quality, realistic results, and compassionate care.
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